The Astral Cities – Your Souls Journey
Dearly Beloved Children:
The Lord has come to me in words spoken and says:
“Speak onto the children of men, and onto the elect those things to come which are good in my sight and of the Astral Cities, the Great Cathedrals of Heaven, and places of prayer and contemplation which I have been prepare for them.
For they know not my intention for their redemption and grace that is upon those who profess My Son as their Lord, God and Savior and who do glorify The Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception with prayer and supplications. And blessed are those who Honor the Holy Trinity of God. Thy Father, Mother, and Spirit.
For is it not said that I would wipe away their tears, and all their sorrows. That I would blot out their transgressions and make them as white as snow for My sake. That I will be their God and they will be my children. I shall place upon the elect a new heart and a new mind in that they should Honor the Divine Expression of Love of the Holy Spirit and Sacred Union with the Divine Mother and Virgin Spirit. Shall I not do that which has been spoken?
Thou the world will suffer many sorrows in these very days, the elect and chosen shall hold their faith and trust in the promises and words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Hoy Redeemer. For was he not given as a sin offering that the souls of men may be redeemed and freed from its entrapment by the evil ones. Has not thy Savior stated that there shall be no more death, darkness or decease. That in their salvation they shall have eternal life in the Kingdom of God?
For I hear the prayers of the righteous who pray with true conviction and faith. That do repent of their sins and the sins of the world. For they shall see the Glory and Splendid Majesty of the Holy Places in Heaven and the Temples of Light which is for their care and souls growth”.
So it is my children, that I shall speak no more of those things which shall befall the earth, all life and consciousness in these days of tribulation. For it is to be understood that if not for the prayers of Enoch, the great patriarch that all life would cease to exist due to the Great and Terrible Wrath of the Almighty.
For many times the Lord has stated that it is as the days of Noah, that the destruction which shall be upon the earth is greater than even I could imagine, thou the Lord has shown many of the earth events to come. It shall be greater than any destruction period upon the earth in its history and shall never be again after this time. That the earth will settle in its final position and order around the sun, and there will be a settling of the mantel into its place and a rotation of the earth axis.
So it is that in the days of darkness, they shall be considered as sacred and holy onto itself. A Divine Act of Great Mercy by Our Holy Father and not to be looked upon for it is the Wrath of the Almighty God, and Sacred Will of the Holy Angel of Presence that went before Moses and Israel to destroy Egypt that these things will be.
I will tell you first of the Divine Forgiveness of our Most Holy Father Yahweh, Our Lord God Jehovah. In these past years Our Lord has brought forth those souls who are in most need of salvation. Even onto the Anti-Christ, the deceiver and liar which sits upon the throne of Saint Peter in Rome.
Our Holy Father has shown his Divine Nature in granting Forgiveness of Sins and Blasphemy ageist the Kingdom of God if this deceiver, that is the seed of the beast would profess Jesus Christ of Nazareth as his Lord, God and Savior.
But he has not, and so he has condemned his own soul to great punishment as with many in this world that condemn themselves by the inequities of their hands and the contemplations of their hearts and mind.
However. It is that Our Divine Father has great pity and compassion for the souls of men that have been cursed from the begging, and entrapped and beleaguered by the evil ones, the fallen angels, and the aliens which have come about and that which has been manifested by mans own hands with evil intentions and desires.
For the Lord says: “The hearts of men are corrupt and full of vile affections and evil continuously”.
It is such that the Lord repents that he created man in his imagine and gave him dominion over the earth which he has destroyed and taken so much in greed and bloodshed. And it is such as with the aliens that have come about the earth, for most all are self serving, exploiting both the earth and souls of men with a perverse agenda and evil intentions. A great many are demonic in nature and being.
So be wise and have great decrement for the messages that are flooding the earth at this time and the alien consciousness. For there are but (3) three Benevolent Races which are truly kind to the human race and seek his betterment. There is a fourth race of advance light beings that came about the earth in the early periods of Egypt during the time of the Temples of Purification and Sacrifice. This race is observing the events upon the earth and transition that is to take place.
The races which are Benevolent are the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, and those from the Sirius constellation. These are the Star Seeds of man, most all will return to their home world. And in this there are no more than 12 other races assisting in the endeavor to serve the Great Cosmic Intelligence of the Central Sun which is of God the Father, Our Almighty Creator. This united group works in union with the Console of the Federal Command as it is known.
Thou the Lord of Creation, Our Great and Almighty Father who created the fowl of the earth and the beast of the sea is a God of Great Wrath and Fury who has been longsuffering with the evil afflicted onto him by man in his offences ageist the Innocence of the Spirit and life essence devoured by the evil ones. For every tear you have shed the Lord has shed a great many more in his suffering.
This is the Great and Holy Angel of Presence and the God that appeared onto Moses in the burning bush and the God that goes before me to lead my way. I have been instructed to trust and obey his commandments and to fulfill them immediately for he will show no mercy towards me. So it is that I both Love and Fear this Angel, who I call Lord, God, and Father more than anything in existence, and do fear him more than any evil that comes before me, for he is greater than all things.
So it is by fire that the Great Angel of Presence shall purge the earth and all realms of creation of every vile pestilence and of every evil manifestation in existence now and forever more. This is the promise of the Lord Thy God which is everlasting to everlasting, from eternity onto eternity and forever.
Now it is in the Divine Nature and Constitution of our Most Holy Father Jehovah, the souls of men are being redeemed and released from their darkness and taken into the many Kingdoms of God. Onto the Astral Cities as children of the Most High and where millions of souls shall be raptured from the earth and from the grave in the great day of deliverance that is close at hand.
Now these great cities are described through the cosmic intelligence in many different ways and most often referred to as the 5thDimension Light Consciousness and as Temples of Light. But in truth the building of these cities in the first etheric realm above earth has existed since the late stages of the dark ages when the first city was established for the benefit of man, to redeem souls from both the grave and the corruption of purgatory in preparation for this day of deliverance.
For each city is uniquely designed in its layout and truly most beautiful to behold with great ascetics, and majestic building that are a wonder to look upon both inside and out. There are also many places, some appearing as if it would be on earth, as a beautiful resort city as you would see, and other places that look like the streets of Paris with coffee shops and outdoor seating along the walks way with music playing from above. All of them are most pleasing and beautiful in appearance and functions.
Each one of these Astral City is committed to a central mission, and that is to serve the greater needs of the souls being rescuded, to heal and restore the soul and to guide the spiritual growth of the soul towards a higher level of understanding and consciousness. They are learning centers where souls also earn merits for work of benevolence, thus is their Divine Mission.
The Astral Cities are designed specifically for the purpose of regenerating and healing our energetic bodies and restoration of the soul from the destruction forces of darkness and decay that occurs during the time of consummation, when the soul is trapped by the evil ones in purgatory and hell.
With the design and layout of each city the 72 Holy Names of God are represented, and each one represents a Divine Aspect of the Holy Father. The geometry of these cities can been see in a good many of the crop circles that appear around the world. One would find very quickly that the Kingdoms of God are very organized, preciously designed and most efficient in every way, and truly beyond the conception of man.
These cities are where many spiritual surgeries will occur for living souls as it is now and was the case with John of God and the Casa in Brazil. Where the spirit is taken to these etheric cities or where there would be many spirits around a person working at light speed performing spiritual surgeries on the psychical body here on earth. These are the Benevolent Angels, Saints and Assisting Sprits that do perform this work of direct intervention earning their wings as it would be said.
Now it is that the Churches and Cathedrals for these cities have been in place for many years now and as with the places of contemplation and study for the soul’s growth in consciousness. As these cities have been completed and made ready an image of the city was projected on the earth in energetic form and in psychical form appearing as crop circles around the world. Yes, these have been placed upon the earth for man to realize that a higher cosmic intelligence doses exist and that it is most benevolent and kind. Thou not all corp circles are of the cities, or created by the benevolent races.
It is also that which is describe in the cosmic intelligence as the 5th Dimensional Template above the earth (the etheric realm i.e. the spirit world is completed and fully in place now for just a short while. Thou this light was seen coming from the central sun, many years ago as the Divine Creative Life Force that created all things.
The beings on the earth and the earth herself was not able to assimilate this energy due to being so great in its power and intensity that it has taken nearly twenty years for this light to be slowly absorbed with in the consciousness of the world and life. For the earth is a living being and spirit and the great giver of life that has been severally depleted by the events that have transpire upon and within her.
So these are the truths as I know them to be, and that which does exist in conscious and psychical form, and truth of spirit concerning the greater hierarchy of the heavens and all of creation.
I AM Michael Thomas a faithful and sacred scribe of our Divine Father Jehovah and do serve the Angel of Presence. The mighty I AM That I AM who is the God of my Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
May the Glorious Kingdom of God of eternal love, light and consciousness be upon the good will of all men, Amen.A
VISIONARY MICHAEL THOMAS 07-24-2023 Part 2 of 2
Dear Children:
I want to thank everyone who participated in the devotions for the Divine Mysteries of Faith and the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
These contemplations were given through Divine Revelations with the intent of salvation for those souls in need, and for those who truly love our Lord Jesus Christ, understanding his immense suffering and supreme sacrifice for our sake.
These publications were made available to over 2 million subscribers a day, and by measurement, less than a remnant had responded in some way (approximately 150 people per day). Most people expressed themselves with a heart, a thumbs up, a few Amen’s and even less had written a prayer asking for forgiveness. We had more respondents in one day for a picture message than the total collective for these contemplations.
This truly reflects the conditions of the world, especially for those who call themselves Christians, who are of a religious order or have an affiliation of some form. For these are the ones who will say onto the Holy Redeemer, Lord, Lord we have professed thee and cast demons out in thy name. For the Lord will say onto them, I know you not, be gone from me.
So, with this in mind I offer this message for the remnant, the elect and the chosen few who are before the Lord day and night and found righteous in his sight. For he is a rightful and just judge that knows his sheep and they do follow his voice.
So the Lord has come to me in spoken words and says:
“Son of Man Prophecies and speak onto the world and the children of man all things I have given for you to say. Yet the world will not hear you for they believe not the words of God, or my prophets and saints which I have sent before them.
The words which were given in the first part of this message are being released last in order due to the fact that they speak ageist the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet that corrupts the children of men. He who blasphemes continually ageist the Lord Almighty, and Our Father in his great wrath has spoken ageist this beast and the world as it is.
For it is known that many will seek to prevent the publication of this message, even those who think themselves to be righteous and as a good Christian. Yet they cannot distinguish the voice of God and lack true faith and belief in the miracles of Christ and all that was given through the prophets and saints.
Consider this and answer it truly; is there one minster or priest in the world today, even the pope that can perform the miracles of Christ?. If this be so, then he truly believes and moves with Faith in the Almighty to honor and glorify his name such as Christ did in his mission. For the Father Honors the Son and the Son Honors both the Father and Mother.
So, I do not come today to warn the world or to move the masses with solemn words of wisdom and understanding. But that the world should repent of it sins, its atrocities and offenses before God Almighty and Sovereign Creator.
For the Lord has stated; “They will not hear these words, and cannot hear for they are a corrupt, and a vile generation that seek self-satisfaction, and every kind of pleasure. They are perverse in their nature and seek not the salvation of their soul, nor do they call on the Holy Redeemer Jesus Christ who died that they may have eternal life”.
So, it is in these days, in this very hour, minutes and seconds in which the Lord Melchizedek, the High Priest of Salam, the right and just full King of Jerusalem comes to take possession of his Kingdom and of the world. He is the Lord Jeshua High Priest of Median before the throne of God who became our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the Immaculate Conception through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
So, repent of all your sins, for the sins of your father, and for the atrocity of mankind and his ingratitude for the sacrifice that has been given for our salvation. Seek now the Divine Forgiveness of our Holy Father, the Divine Mercy of our Lord Jeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Most Holy and Saving Grace of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for she is most favored before the Lord and his Greatest Joy in Heaven.
May the Almighty, the great I AM THAT I AM, the most Holy Angel of Presence who carries the wrath of God have mercy on us and the world for he comes now to avenge the crucified Christ and recomposes the blood of those who have been Martyred for his name sake. And wow onto those who seek to prevent these messages. Amen
I AM Michael Thomas and true and faithful servant of the Lord Thy God, and a just witness onto the world and a prophet of old.
The 23 Palms (Beautified)
The Lord thy God is my shepherd, and I shall not want and will fear no evil that comes before me. He maketh me lie down in green pastures, and leads me beside still waters.
He anoints my head in love, light, mercy and grace. He restorest my spirit to my soul, to my body and my being with power, might and authority. He leads me in the path of righteousness, justice and integrity for his name sake.
Ye, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow death I will fear no evil for the Lord Thy God is my Rod and my Staff and I take comfort and refuge under his holy and majestic wings.
He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies and my cup runeth over. Surely mercy and goodness shall follow me all the days of my life and will reside in the Kingdom of the Most High forever and ever. Amen
Dear Children:
The Lord has come to me in words spoken and says: “Son of Man Prophesize”
Speak onto the world and the children of man all things I have given for you to say. Yet the world will not hear you for they believe not the words of God, or my prophets and saints which I have sent before them.
They worship false idols and demons and know not that they defile the Church of Christ and all things that are Sacred and Holy onto me. Their priesthood and ever rituals they practice is of satan, and an offense before the Spirit. They know not that by these things they bind themselves to condemnation and the torments of hell which they revel in.
They have provoked my great and terrible wrath and have not heeded my warning. They know not that my prophet is before them as a witness and judge onto the world. To condemn all that is evil and corrupt before me and before the heavens. It is through their abominations that the words of My Saints shall be filled in these very days.
For Time is at an End, and so the world may know that it is the Lord Thy God, Almighty and Sovereign Creator who does these things, I AM That I AM. I come quickly now, a very short while to avenge the Crucifixion of My Beloved Son, (Our Lord Jesus Christ). I shall avenge all the crimes of the world and the blood that has been spilled from generation to generation from the beginning onto this day and all things shall be consummated.
I come also to redeem the souls of men who are worthy, who have are beleaguer and trapped by the evil of this world. They know not that they fight ageist a principality and the fallen angels, thou I have warned them. Because of the vile nature of the evil ones and their ways, the sins of man may be forgiven, for they know not what they do, and suffer horrendously in life and in death until the soul parishes and is no more.
Onto the False Prophet, the Anti-Christ, the Beast that is in Rome. You shall deceiver no more the world or speak words ageist your Lord Jesus Christ, the Angels or the Saints. I come to unterally wipe clean from the face of the earth and all its realms, your vile existence and pestilence.
You shall be bound and cast into prison and torments of Amenta, forever more. Never to exist within the realms of creation again and I will defile your temples, your rituals and all your practices will be forgotten. The children of men shall worship you and your father no more, for he is a liar and a murder from the beginning and has corrupted every essence of life and light.
So it is, I will wipe clean this abomination from the face of the earth forever more, and will destroy every remembrance, every alter, every church, and ever cathedral where you have professed your faith to satan. For you are the son of the devil who I extended mercy too if thou would repent of thy sins and profess the Name of Jesus Christ as your Lord, God and Savior, that I would show mercy onto your soul.
But you have not heard my words, or that of my servant. So it by fire that I will cleans these things, and the whole of the earth will shutter and be torn by earthquakes from the force of my wrath.
The 7 Mountains of Rome shall be cast into the sea, and much suffering shall be felt throughout this country and the world. All the world will know that I AM THE LORD GOD and Sovereign Creator of all things in existence and it is my judge and wrath that is ageist thee and upon the whole face of the earth.
The European and North American Continents will be struck with great fear and trembling. The earth will begin to tremble in many places and shall be rendered from place to place. Sweden, Norway, and Demark will be covered by the sea, Bavaria and much of Germany will burn for their atrocities ageist the Jews. Austria will be spared from this destruction for my sake.
So it is that these people will suffer for a great calamity is upon the land for the sins of their fathers and the work of the beast. It is also that many lands and complete countries will disappear in a blink of an eye and millions of souls will be taken from the earth in Divine Mercy, while millions more, a greater majority by measure will suffer eternal damnation and hell.
Water will be upon the land to a great depth, such that the buildings on New York shall be looked upon from the surface of these waters. The East Coast of the United Stated will be totally inundated and exist no more onto the foot hills of the Appellations. Many other coastlines around the world will experience this same fate so they know I AM THE LORD THY GOD.
Children Heed These Words;
For you know not the Holy Scriptures or the Power of God and his great and terrible wrath ageist the beast and this world. He has cursed every corrupt seed, every evil manifestation of spirit, and every creature and being of creation which is evil and discordant in its nature and being. Every type of pestilence he has cursed and shall be wipe clean from existence in the created realm of life and consciousness, that which shall never exist again for the sake of men and the earth.
So repent now children for your sins, the sins of your fathers, and the sins of the world ageist the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ for the ingratitude of his suffers and anguish of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For your prayers and supplications can save you and it will be by faith that your soul may be healed.
Believe in the Lord your God, Profess the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your Savior, asking to be redeemed and forgiven your trespasses and inequities. Pray the Holy Rosary each day asking the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Mother of God to intercede on your behalf without ceasing for the Divine Mercy of Christ. Thus in this way, may your soul be saved.
God Bless You, Michael
May 27, 2023
Message of the Blessed Mother
The Holy Mother has asked that the Holy Rosary be recited everyday and she wishes everyone to commit and create a Holy Hour for prayer and supplication and for the study of scriptures.
The Holy Mother has asked that each of us realize the sins of society and the entrapment of the soul to repetitive incarnation cycles which the Holy Lord Christ is freeing Humanity from it bounds.
The world has lost its faith in Christ and shows ingratitude for the suffering of His Passion and for his life that he gave to free all souls from its entrapment.
The Divine Mercy of Christ is such that he seeks to save every soul upon the earth and the Lords Jeshua Holy Will to reach out to those who will profess their faith in Jesus Christ with a contrite heart and repent of their sins and the offenses of society ageist our Heavenly Father.
Please children, pray every day for the Mercy of the Lord for all souls, pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Chaplet of Mercy that more souls can be saved.
May God Bless You My Children
Blessed Mother of the Holy Rosary
Saint Rita May 2023
I had asked the Lord Jeshua of the stigmata that Saint Rita received with the thorn in her forehead and the thorn in which I had experienced during a session, though this was not as painful a was with our Lord and our Blessed Saint Rita.
The Lord Said:
Her wound was putrid and had smelled with infection when Satan was pressing on her crown, and then would smell of roses in normal times or when the Holy Mother was present.
March 28, 2023
Dear Children:
The Lord has come to me in words spoken and says: “Son of Man Prophecies and say,”
“The days of Tribulation are upon the earth and you are my witness and prophet of old. Go forth to bless those who seek to be free of their sickness and decease. Thou we are in these days of great disturbance, I have Mercy and Love for those who Honor My Son, and the Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.
I will not forsake the elect or the righteous in this time of distress and know those that are professed before me. I Am That I AM, the God of your Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Lord God Adonai, the God that heals you, the Lord God Jehovah that created all things in existence.
Free these souls of their entrapment and the darkness that is upon them and within them. Lift their souls onto heaven in the Divine Nature of My Spirit. This is my degree, and love for the children of the earth, that none should be cast into eternal damnation or punishment.
For they know not the wanderings and the sins upon their souls. Nor do they know the sickness of their sins and its corruption by darkness and evil, that a soul is destroyed by this, and lost forever. Many souls upon the earth lack the beauty and innocence in which it was first created, and cast itself into darkness repetitively without being able to escape this evil. It is a corrupt and perverse seed that populates the earth and that which Satan has done, and my select shall I watch over and protect in these days.
Mercy and Grace is being granted too many souls. However, a greater multitude will perish in a moment’s time forever for their lack of faith and belief. For they worship falsehood, self and devils, eluding the truth of their existence and their very soul.
Even with these earth events and the turmoil that will be upon them, they will refuse to repent of their ways and will be lost for every, and I will have no mercy upon them. Never will they exist upon the earth, and any realm again in spirit or in any manifested form. The power of Satan and his pestilence is being destroyed and removed from all that I have created.
Say onto the children of the earth; the elect which I have chosen and the righteous, that they are to repent for the terrible offenses of the world, of mankind as a whole and the evil influences and entrapment of Satan. They must seek the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ for lost souls and the most holy and Saving Grace of the Blessed Virgin Mary through continuous prayer and supplication.
Please pray my children for intervention of the Most High and the Divine Mercy of Christ. All the earth must pray for protection from the great wrath that is to become a reality for many souls which came in this for this time.
Many of these souls are form the begging of time and the age of Atlantis and early Egypt. These souls have been destined to experience these tribulations, reliving these experiences to close out a karmic cycle and to remove the accumulation of darkness and evil that has been perpetrated upon the earth and mankind throughout its history, and has polluted ever essences of life and spirit.
They believe not the sacred writings of the scribes and prophets of old, and many deny My Son. Many show ingratitude for the Passion and suffering of Christ. They know not that every thought of a man, and everything that is brought to his heart is known, and everything he thinks in secret is known, and by that which his soul is judged by my Son, who is justified in his judgment.
So men should consider these things and measure the quality of their heart, their innocence and purity before the Holy Spirit, and their devotion to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For many souls will be redeemed from darkness by the Divine Mercy of Christ, and Saving Grace of the Blessed Virgin. For through their agony, tears and passion have they recomposed the wages of sin and washed away the inequities of a great multitude.
Is it not given, that I will blot out their transgressions, and wipe away all tears from their eyes for my sake and for the salvation of their soul. They will be my children and I will be their God forever and reside with them upon the earth as in the days of Moses and in my Temple forever.
Reference Related Articles: The Promises of the Lord for Devotional Prayers
March 21, 2023
Dear Children
Beloved of the Lord, Have faith and trust in God in all our sufferings and tribulations, unite this to the Holy Cross in which Christ carried for our sake and our salvation. For all sin are forgiven through his Precious Blood and we are washed clean of our inequities by the Holy Water that flowed from his side.
His Sacred Heart is a fount of Mercy that all souls may be redeemed and saved from eternal damnation and thus is the spirit of the Lord. For his Passion is that all souls should be brought back to the Father to Honor and Glory that which was created. This is the Divine Mission of Christ Our Savior, and of Our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Be patient of the Spirit, for he knows when it is right to enter and he shall enter onto you. For all things shall be accomplished, be steadfast and devoted to your prayers and cease not to pray continuously and believe that you have received that which you ask for in the name of the Lord, God and Savior Christ, Jesus of Nazareth. Amen
March 04, 2023
Blessed Children
May the Lord Thy God, Our Father in Heaven bless you and may he watch over his elect and righteous ones. And blessed are you who call on the name of the Lord Christ, Jesus of Nazareth with true conviction of the heart and soul. And blessed be those who offer prayers through Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy and Sovereign Queen of Heaven and Earth.
And blessed are they that read these words and contemplate them. For it is that the Lord Jeshua, our Lord Christ the Holy Redeemer has asked for the praying of the Stations of the Cross guiding the following prayers and consideration for each Station of the Cross.
In this the Lord has promised anyone who devotedly recites these prayers and repents of their sins:
“Even if they don’t know me, they may be redeemed with sincere repentance of their sins and a true conviction of the heart. This devotion is given that their soul may be redeemed from eternally damnation and lifted onto the Father” Lord Jeshua, Christ Jesus of Nazareth.
Please note that there two additional Stations in this devotion beyond the traditional 14 Stations of the Cross, which are the two most important aspects of the Passion and Crucifixion of the Christ, Jesus.
These are the Lords Passion in the garden of Gethsemane when the Lord had prayed three times, bathed in a sweat of blood, asking that this cup would pass away and when he submitted to the will of our Holy Father knowing all things to come and by saying “Not my will but Thy will be done” surrendering his will. This is the First Station of the devotion.
The second additional station becomes the 16th Station which has been added and is by far the most important, the Resurrection of the Lord in all his Splendor and Glory. For this was at the hand of the Father and that of his Divine Spirit, The Holy Ghost, and by the Holy Light of our Divine Mother, the Image of God that illuminated and healed the body of Christ that his soul may enter. Amen.
May God Bless you, for it is our hope that this devotion will enrich your prayer life and commitment to the Lord and a way in which you can honor the Passion of the Lord Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord Jeshua, Master and Teacher. Amen
Reference Related Articles; The Stations of the Cross
March 02, 2023
Blessed Children
May the Lord Thy God, Our Father in Heaven bless you and may he watch over his elect and righteous ones. And blessed are you who call on the name of the Lord Christ, Jesus of Nazareth with true conviction of the heart and soul.
And blessed be those who offer prayers through Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy and Sovereign Queen of Heaven and Earth. And blessed are they that read these words and contemplate them.
For it is that the Holy Mother has asked that people of the world pray for peace at this time, thou there may be no peace. For Divine is her mission to redeem lost souls.
So it is in these days that the Holy Mother has asked me to begin praying the 7 Sorrows of Her Immaculate Heart with the 7 Glory Be’s of Saint Bridget prior to reciting the 5 Decades of the Holy Rosary (Ave Maria) with the following contemplations which she has given for each sorrow.
God Bless You
Reference Related Articles: The Seven Sorrows of Mary
February 12, 2023
Beloved Children
It is with great love and devotion to my purpose, and reason that I come to you with this message for all souls upon the earth. For I come to you in the name of the Almighty I Am That I Am, The God of my Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And it is through the Divine Mercy and Forgiveness of our Lord Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy Redeemer, and the Divine Grace of the Blessed Virgin Mary that I seek to implore you to go to prayer now and to ask for repentance of your sins and the sins of mankind. Even if you do not know of your sins, ask God, for he will reveal them to you through the Holy Rosary.
For I say truly onto you that there is one that will accuse you before the Lord, God Almighty and the Angel of Presence, the Lord God Metatron. This accuser in heaven is of the great deceiver and will seek to claim your soul onto torments and hell.
Please seek the Mercy of God for the entire world and pray the Holy Rosary each day as given by Our Lady of Fatima, Our Blessed Lady of the Holy Rosary along with the Divine Chaplet of Mercy. For these two prayers alone will save your soul from the severe punishment of purgatory and the damnation of Hell.
For it is also a truth that many priest and nuns are commended to purgatory for the purification of their souls and many others onto their devices in this world. For it is given that this generation will suffer the sins of their hands, for not one element of the law will change until the new Heaven and Earth exist.
For each soul is bound by karmic debt to the Universal Laws of Creation which the Lord God, The Great Angel of Presence enforces as an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life. So that which you have done, by reason of omission, by commission that which is commanded even of the Lord, and that by influence is recomposed upon you.
The Lord has stated that “the sins of influence, that which are beyond the understanding of man, and his ability to control will be forgiven for those who repent”.
For it is also given “Their own inequities are recompensed upon them”, those which are corrupt in their heart and who have called on other Gods and worship the beast. For it is also true that you do know not the wonderings of the soul through time and the repeated cycles on incarnation, nor the condition of the soul except that which God reveals.
So, prayer for the Divine Mercy of the Lord Christ, for he alone can pull your soul out of Hell, and no other. This is His Divine Mission, is to redeem souls from the grip of Satan, the seeds of Heaven, and the children of men which have fallen before the Lord.
For it is the Lord Christ who said in these days that all who will seek earnestly that which is in their heart, and with true contrition of sins and for the sins of mankind, that “Many will be forgiven even if they don’t know me”. For the Mercy which is given is given to the soul for it to be freed from its bondage of a savage incarnation cycle that entraps every soul upon the earth and most all to the torments of the beast.
For it is that the first level of Heaven above the earth in the enteric realm is specifically created for the recovery of souls from purgatory and Hell. Where these souls are taken to a place of healing and restoration. Where the soul rediscover itself and beholds itself in the Light of God, and where it begins to co-create a life plan for lesions in the physical plain of existence. This is a realm separate from the higher realms of heaven and specific for the souls of the earth, sibling souls as is referred too.
For it is that the day and time is unknown, only God knows this, and I assure you we are in the days, hours and minuets in which a great catastrophe will hit the earth with such force and energy that there never was or shall ever again be such an event. It is greater than any of the destruction periods, that of the Luminaries and the three destruction periods of Atlantis.
The earth will be broken apart in all places, all tectonic plates will be moved, and every volcano will erupt at this event as well as the Yellowstone Caldara. The earth changes are devastating and beyond the comprehension or belief of man.
God has clearly shown all these things, in which I have stood in awe, in shock and amazement. Millions will perish in a moment of time, for the three day of Darkness spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucia, and the Prophecy of Padre Pio is upon the entire world and none shall escape this event. Only a remnant will remain those who are true to God.
These events will occur for some time, and the earthquakes will roll through the earth as she will be moved out of her place, and as written, the mountains shall fall into the sea.
So, for all those who have not believe the word of the prophets, from Enoch onto Revelations will surly see the Wrath of God, who comes to seek vengeance for the crucifixion of the only begotten son who is the divine Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and who died to redeem our souls and to redeem the children of Israel.
For is that the Angel of Destruction, the Destroyer has been upon the earth, and the Lord spoke and said that my “Angel has unsheathed his sword”, this was in September 2022.
A Teaching of Divine Understand as given by Our Father is that the Lord Christ, Jesus of Nazareth is this Great Spirit Amilus, who went forth in the time of Atlantis in spirit form, who was the first Adam, who was the Lord Melchizedek, right and just full King of Jerusalem that gave Bread and Wine to Abraham, who was Joseph in Egypt, and Joshua with Moses and the Lord Jeshua, High Priest of Median, who is before the Lord Almighty who was born of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary to become man and be crucified as the Christ for our sake and for the salvation of the world.
For the wages of sin are recompensed by blood, and our sins are forgiven though the Cross of Christ and we are washed clean of our inequities by the water and reborn again by the Holy Spirit which is the Sacred Heart of the Lord Christ. May God Bless You and May Divine Mercy be upon your soul. Amen
January 29, 2023
Dear Children
Forgiveness of the Father the Divine Mercy of Our Jesus Christ and the Divine Grace of the Bless Virgin Mary that many souls will be saved. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary is the salvation for striving souls. It is with much love that this message is given for the children of the earth.
For it is that the Lord has repetitively stated;
“All of Heaven is here and they are waiting, for the day of the Lord is at hand and that which must transpire many will not be able to conceive or believe. For all of life needs a deep cleaning and the intervention of our Holy Father and it will be so”.
For it is stated that “The New Earth is energetically over the earth. The new template of life and creation of the 5th Dimension as discussed, these many years”.
So children it was given that this is a time of contemplation and prayer so for the sake of your soul and the souls of others pray onto the Holy Queen of Heaven and her blessed Saint St Theresa and Saint Rita Mother of the Impossible and Hopeless Cases. God Bless You
November 1, 2022
Dear Children
May God’s Blessing be upon you and your family in this moment. It has been sometime since I been able to write you. I have been extremely busy, and do apologize for not being available. This was due to an enormous amount of work at a spiritual level, and within the Heavens. Perhaps you may have noticed the shifts within the consciousness these past few years, and the spiritual aspects of life.
I will tell that the legions of heaven have been upon the earth for some time to cleans and purify it. There are great changes coming within the existence of life, and many earth events that will begin occurring in the very near future.
So, I am contacting you today to ask everyone to please begin speaking the Holy Rosary at least once every day. Please mention in your intentions for the Rosary the lost souls in purgatory and hell. The Blessed Mother is very present with her angels and has been seen recently crying over the earth, with her face in her hands. She is crying over these lost souls, for all humanity, the earth and all the sprit upon the earth.
Your prayers carry power in heaven and for each Rosary you pray, there are many souls that will be saved and released from their torment and taken onto a place where their soul begins the process of healing.
Special prayers to the Holy Mother have also been given through the Holy Archangel Raphael for this time which are posted online at the website and within the page dedicated to Our Glorious Mother. Your prayers are truly appreciated and will help the Lord's mission of redeeming souls.
May God Bless you and watch over you during these times. Amen
September 22, 2022
And it is that the Lord has come to me and said:
O Son of Man Prophesy and say to the Church in Rome.
You have perverse My laws, and My sacred prayers. You have prostrated the innocence of the children in the manner by which they approach they alter, and thus the innocence of the Holy Spirit.
For you have perverse my word from the begging and have hidden wisdom and understanding from thy flock and lead them astray. But they are forgiven their errors on account of your ways and teachings. They are saved by the prayers of their hearts and healed by their faith in the Divine Forgiveness of My Son.
For you preserve a most sacred pray in thy profession of faith in that you profess your faith to a brick wall, to an organization, to a false profit and anti-christ in thy pope and not to the Lord Jesus Christ as thy High Priest and Savior. This pope is the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the great deceiver as written in Holy Scriptures. He offers false prayer and seeks his own glorification and righteous by his personification in the media, seeking every opportunity to explode, and create an imagine of piety and reverence.
Is there no greater symbol, or graven imagine in the world of the beast than the auditorium he sits in. Is it not made in the imagine as the head of the snake. Does he not sit in the throat of the beast on his stage with an image of the bowels of hell being released onto the earth? Is there any greater imagine in the world, or clearer sign onto the people than this. For he is a False Prophet and the Anti-Christ the will be the last to sit on the Thrown of Peter.
The Prophecy of Saint Malachi and the Third Prophecy of Fatima given by Sister Lucia to My Blessed Saint John Paul are ageists thee and thy priest hood this very day. For all that has been written from the books of my prophet Enoch onto the book of Revelation shall be fulfilled.
For does it not say I will come as a thief in the night, when thou least expect it. Thus it will be onto you, that your own destruction shall overcome you in like manner. I have judged the world and accounted for the sins of man and the deceit of this church and the beast.
For the great deceiver has overcome thee, speaking lies and blasphemy ageist the Lord. But in my Great Mercy, I have pitied thee, for thy sins are great in which I have been longsuffering. They are ageist my commandments and words given by my servant Moses.
For is it not written that I AM the God of you Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that this is my name forever onto you. Yet you do not profess this in your faith, in your church or teachings, nor do profess this before My Holy Son.
Your punishment is severe onto your soul, and I warn thee. It is not written in thy books, that thy own hand can save thee. So, change thy ways and make amendments now! Profess your
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