Preparing for a Sacred Healing and Self Care Instructions
General Information
I believe it is important for you to understand this process, and the miracle of what is to transpire. More importantly is your responsibility in preparing properly for the blessing. You must become a student of the materials listed on this site, there you will find answers to your basic questions.
It is also true that every prayer you have every spoken in life, and every consciousness thought of God, weather good or bad, he has heard. But fear not, for God, the Father in Heaven does not judge my friends. Every time you have turned your face to him in loving prayer he has been there and considers not your ways, but is overwhelmed in love for his child, and the essence of light that has returned.
So it is that some are healed in that same self-hour they ask, others in days, weeks, and months, and for others it may be years, for this is God will.
And it is to be known that I am forever present before the Lord in loving prayer, and devotion. Crying onto him for guidance, for knowledge in all matters and holding this Sacred and Most Holy Energy for all that have been touched, and for all those that are being healed and guided in this moment.
And it is no small matter of what you may be asking, for I take on your afflictions and deceases which are transmute through my energetic body and the way in which God has choose to do his work.
Self-Care During the Healing Period
This is an important period of time where you need to pay special attention to your personal needs and thoughts. This means plenty of sleep, quietness, and drinking lots of fluids to flush toxins out of your system.
It’s also important that you minimize your exposure to negative inputs, such as certain people, places, and TV programming. No news or violent movies at all. Soothing music and sleep is recommended. Also eat lightly during this period and refrain from any sexual activity for 40 Days, heavy exercise and lifting for the first two weeks after the healing.
Strenuous physical exercise cuts the energy. Also, your crown chakra is active, and you may get dizzy and lose your balance at times. There will be other times when you will feel excessively tired, don’t fight it, simply take a nap and let these blessed beings work with you. They are trying to take you to higher levels of consciousness and are removing karmic debt, past life issues, and deceases.
It is also important that you continually cleanse yourself and your energy field of negative energy that you pick up during the day and by coming into contact with people. Never go to bed without a ritual blessing by showering or taking a salt bath for at least two weeks after the healing.
Please remember, this is a reverent process, which needs to be treated in a manner that is appropriate and is of God. If you are attending a public event, have a personal appointment or are receiving a remote healing, there are certain procedures that must be adhered to. (The 40 Days is very important because you are open to all kinds of spirits, and the entities are removing energies and attachments.)
Written Intent and Communication
Your prayers, thoughts and intuition are very important at this time. The desires of your heart must be noted, and you may write a detailed request and keep this with you or in your prayer book.
It is most appropriate and expected of you to begin a journal, an open discussion between you and God, expressing all that you are and all that you need prior to your session. Your prayer request to the entities is to be limited to (3) specific items. Be brief with this, for God knows your needs before you ask them.
Cleansing your Energy Field
Before the Blessing, first and foremost is to cleanse your energy field of negative energy. What is meant by this is to cleanse yourself, or better stated, bless yourself in a salt bath or shower and to begin your prayers during this process. I strongly recommend lighting a candle for this helps to release things. The entities have stated that rituals are important and do mention use of specific prayers. So, the Lords Pray is always appropriate as well as prayers to the Holy Mother.
You will ask specifically for the Archangel Gabriel to cleanse you, to lift your burdens and remove your afflictions, to surround you with his White Light of Purity, do this with a solemn heart. If you feel close to Jesus, or the Holy Mother, by all means pray to them. It is best to do this 30 minutes prior to the appointed time of your session/blessing.
Note: Gabriel cleanses with water and is the ruler of this earth element. You may also ask John the Baptist to bless you in the name of Jesus, Christ Lord Savior.
The Healing Session
After cleansing, prepare yourself as if you are turning in for the night or doing a meditation session. You are to lay flat on your back with your right hand over your heart and left hand to your side facing up. If there is a specific area that is being healed it would be appropriate to place your right hand over that area, however this is not necessary.
You may use any type of music for the session that will help you reach a relaxed state or simple fall a sleep. If you want to follow the current you may do so. There are times when the healing will be done specially when you are sleeping due to the fact that your own thoughts will block the current. The entities cannot help you unless you are able to release and in a sacred space. So you need to let them do the work.
The Healing Experience
During the healing session you may experience a variety of sensations, such as temperature changes, tingling, buzzing or vibrations from both the energy and sonic wavelengths at the cellular level. In other words, you may sense and hear your own blood coursing through your veins, and feel your body vibrate with the tones. This is called cellular awareness and the activation of your physical body.
The most common experience is an overwhelming sense of serenity and peacefulness and knowing of the entities that are present. Most all will receive deeply profound insights, experience visual images and movie-type visions. Many others report seeing brilliant colors, lights, smells and taste of things as your emotions and memories surface, which is a natural part of the healing process.
Public Sessions or Personal Appointments
If you are attending a scheduled appointment or a public session for a Sacred Healing, please do not use any heavily scented lotions, colognes, perfumes or scented oils. The entities are very sensitive to this and most disturbing. The Christ Scent formulated produced by Glenda Green is acceptable and the scent of the Christ Entity when present.
Please wear white if you are attending a public session or during your prayer blessing. No printed t-shirts or black is to be worn. Reference the book of Messages in Water, and the Energy of Colors. Please do not eat two hours prior to a session.
Note for Light Workers
For light works who wish to follow the Univeral Prayer Current you are to be in the receiving mode at all times. Remember you are receiving a blessing and there is no need for you to project or add to this current in anyway.
If your desire is to expand your intuitive abilities and increase your High Sensory Perception, then I would strongly recommend playing the Beatle’s music during the current. Most all of this material was channel directly through Jeshua who was Asaph, a musician in the court of David. See channel guidance on music selection.
About the Universal Prayer Current and Energy Templates
Remember, you are receiving a blessing from a divine energy source and this is the predominate energy template entering the earth plain. The template is continuously changing and progressing and is the Christ Consciousness that Edgar Cayce speaks of.
This energy template holds all realms of existence, of which I anchor, and what you receive in that moment is meant to be for your awakening and process. So during the session you may notice the various Earth Realms, Goddess Energies, the Good Universal Energies, and the Sacred Healings Energies by the Blessed Beings as well as other angelic realms that come in.
Dreams and Visions
During this time period you will be experiencing a dramatic increase in your High Sensory Perceptions, this means you may begin to see auras, feel the emotions of people around you and even know their thoughts beforehand. This is the result of your energy increasing and being tapped into a higher level of consciousness and direct knowing. For you exist at this single moment in the past, present and future.
Changes at the Cellular Level
Know that changes are occurring at the cellular level within your body. As your energy level increases you may start to notice pains in certain areas. This can be a specific wound, old injuries, and where medical procedures have been carried out. You may also feel things at random, like pins and needles at times or a sudden and extreme pain in a specific area such as a knee. This too is normal as things are being released which you may have no knowledge of and may have occurred in a past life.
Wounds, and Injuries
All wounds, injuries and diseases have a specific root cause and underlining reason. In fact, you carry the same wounds and injuries that occurred in previous incarnations. Regardless of the source of these wounds they have a specific meaning for you. Refer to the published materials of Louis Hayes.
Diseases on the other hand, are directly and indirectly related to emotional issues, which originate in the heart. Regardless of what the disease is, it begins with some type of emotional injury of the heart . When problems arise with relationships, siblings, or a matter of self-confidence or judgment, it all began with your heart being wounded. This could be simply a careless comment made by a parent at an early age. When things of this nature occur, the mind takes over and develops reasoning contradictive to normal consciousness and will either develop defense mechanisms or self-judgment in some way.
This begins a process where specific energy exchange points begin to shut down and eventually collect negative energy, thus the body becomes deceased. Please note that your specific issues may be the result of a negative attachment or obsessing entity
Healing the Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul
There are various levels of healing that occur in any one session and many things that can and do affect this. In order to receive a complete and total healing, there are things that must be taken care of spiritually, mentally and psychically.
All sickness and decease stems from not having a clear mental picture of things for an extended period of time. This is to the point where the physical aspects of your being have collected negative energy and become diseased. Your body is an accurate reflection of your metal and emotional state.
Read Self Realized Healing and The Illusion of Mind
So having a proper mental focus and spiritual understanding of God is important and you must take care of your metal state and physical body with proper diet, regular exercise and daily mediation and prayer.
Diet and Eating
Your diet and eating the proper foods is extremely important to maintain the temple in which God has given. As most nutritionist would tell you, you must eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Please allow me to make certain recommendations:
NO ACHOLOL beverages (beer & wine) are to be consumed for up to four weeks after this process and liquor completely removed from any further consumption. There is a reason why they call it spirits my friends, and you will be susceptible to many things, specifically attachments if you do so. Reference the channeled message on “Things that go bump in the night”.
Most beneficial are:
Blueberries, strawberries and other berries in general. Greens of all types, tomatoes, melons and other types of garden vegetables: peas, beans and most all above ground vegetables.
Beats and carrots in root plants, minimize intake of potatoes due to starches. Herbs of all types, basil, parsley, and rosemary specifically are excellent when eaten raw and in teas for many of your internal organs.
Eggs, especially the yoke is high in protein as well as peanuts. Avoid large amounts of bread, specifically white bread. Wheat or whole grain breads are best. Fish, poultry, and wild game in season of small portions are acceptable, including pheasant, up-land game birds and deer.
Do not eat pork of any kind and minimize the intake of red meat. Eliminate fried foods completely, or as much as possible, and this means no fast food or processed foods. The quality of the foods and the way the animal has been handled is extremely important.
You should also eliminate meats for at least one day of each week completely. Begin to drink lots of fluids, no sugars and no salt, as the body is consistently fighting to balance its alkaline intake and acids due to processed food and these additives. Avoid black pepper, it does not digest in your system and you may experience extreme heartburn as a result of the energy work.
Begin drinking a glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon at night just before turning in. This will help rid the body of toxins and allow you to sleep better. Do not do this for more than a two-week period at any one time.
Preparation of Foods
The preparation of foods is extremely important as well, over cooking decreases the nutritional valve in the food, and no blacken meats, blacken or burnt foods at all. Additionally, stop using microwave ovens, for they destroy the nutritional value of the food. As well, you should stop using Teflon coat cookware or any cookware with coating in general, they emit toxins that are harmful and cancerous.
The best exercise is walking, and isometric stretches to keep the body limber, flexible and circulation flowing. Regular daily walks should be part of your routine, and 10 to 20 minutes or more a day stretching the joints limbs, and spine
Hot salt baths are recommended one or twice weekly to keep circulation going, to remove toxins and a monthly message or more. This should be a gentle and pleasant massage again to aid in your circulatory system and help remove toxins and release energy.
Meditative Prayer / Holding Current
This must become a daily routine done in the morning and/or evening. During these meditative prayer sessions you will be channeling healing energy for the Earths Energy Template, the Universal Energy Template and Scared Healing Template. The longer you are in this energy the greater your experience will be with these Sacred and Beloved Being of God, and thus the greater your healing will be.
Mediation of the Sun Teaching of Jeshua
The sun is a living electro-magnetic force that radiates energy necessary to support all organic life in the solar system. It is a living element of God and such that the earth is a living element of God and that, which makes up our biological form. This energy, which Jeshua refers to as “adamantine particles”, charges your body and causes vitamins and minerals to be produced naturally when absorbed through the eyes.
Also do not worry about damaging your eyes; they are being protected from ultraviolet rays by the atmosphere during the times in which the meditation is to be performed. The Meditation of the Sun is to be held during the first and last hour of the day.
You will find the greatest effect comes from the morning sun and will notice that this meditation will dramatically increase your energy level and it seems as if you gain strength and confidence to overcome all obstacles you face that day. It also creates great peace in your heart, and you will also notice that you do not feel a need to eat and that the desire to do so has been weakened.
The Sunset Meditation is more of a serene and soul-fulfilling meditation to remove stress and anxiety. The morning meditation charges you for the day, while the evening meditation prepares your soul for it’s journey and lessons while you sleep.
As you get more comfortable with this practice you’ll find that you can hold this meditation for a great length of time, and as you grow stronger you will begin to notice the enormous benefits from just a 10 to 15 minutes session. When performed daily it will change your perspective on life.
God Bless, Michael
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