September 22, 2022
And it is that the Lord has come to me and said:
O Son of Man Prophesy and say to the Church in Rome.
You have perverse My laws, and My sacred prayers. You have prostrated the innocence of the children in the manner by which they approach they alter, and thus the innocence of the Holy Spirit.
For you have perverse my word from the begging and have hidden wisdom and understanding from thy flock and lead them astray. But they are forgiven their errors on account of your ways and teachings. They are saved by the prayers of their hearts and healed by their faith in the Divine Forgiveness of My Son.
For you preserve a most sacred pray in thy profession of faith in that you profess your faith to a brick wall, to an organization, to a false profit in thy pope and not to the Lord Jesus Christ as thy High Priest and Savior. This pope is the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the great deceiver as written in Holy Scriptures.
He offers false prayer and seeks his own glorification and righteous by his personification in the media, seeking every opportunity to explode, and create an imagine of piety and reverence.
Is there no greater symbol, or graven imagine in the world of the beast than the auditorium he sits in. Is it not made in the imagine as the head of the snake. Does he not sit in the throat of the beast on his stage with an image of the bowels of hell being released onto the earth? Is there any greater imagine in the world, or clearer sign onto the people than this. For he is a false prophet, the anti-Christ and he will be the last to sit on the Thrown of Peter.
The Prophecy of Saint Malachi and the Third Prophecy of Fatima given by Sister Lucia to My Blessed Saint John Paul are ageists thee and thy priest hood this very day. For all that has been written from the books of my prophet Enoch onto the book of Revelation shall be fulfilled.
For does it not say I will come as a thief in the night, when thou least expect it. Thus it will be onto you, that your own destruction shall overcome you in like manner. I have judged the world and accounted for the sins of man and the deceit of this church and the beast.
For the great deceiver has overcome thee, speaking lies and blasphemy ageist the Lord. But in my Great Mercy, I have pitied thee, for thy sins are great in which I have been longsuffering. They are ageist my commandments and words given by my servant Moses.
For is it not written that I AM the God of you Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that this is my name forever onto you. Yet you do not profess this in your faith, in your church or teachings, nor do profess this before My Holy Son.
Your punishment is severe onto your soul, and I warn thee. It is not written in thy books, that thy own hand can save thee. So, change thy ways and make amendments now! Profess your sins onto My Holy Son, for he is a just and rightful judge over thee. Publish these things as Salomon published his sins and transgressions, and laminate over these things in supplication and earnest prayer.
Profess thy faith and loyalty onto the name of Jesus Christ, not to the church in Rome, or any other God, and you may be saved from the destruction and the judgment ageist thy soul. For you know not know who possess you. For does it not say in the laws; that thou shall speak no other names before me, or worship false idols and their gods, what a grievous sin you have committed.
Speak now the Holy Rosary onto the Blessed Virgin Mary for she is the salvation of souls in purgatory and hell. Seek her glorious Mercy and Grace; ask for forgiveness of your sins and her blessed prayers of intercession, that thy soul may be saved from the destruction of hell, and from being cast into darkness and death.
So let this be published onto the world for a record of prophecy that they may know that my servant was before them, to warn them of their sins and the judgment which is upon their heads. For both their life and their souls are in my hand, for I created all of life upon the earth and the soul of man, and place thy Heavens above thee. I AM That I AM.
I AM Michael Thomas, a faith and true servant of the Lord Jehovah and the Mighty I Am That I Am
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